Residential and care centre Transwijk





25.500 m2


Woonstichting Bo-Ex - Utrecht



In the district Kanaleneiland in Utrecht a new residential and care centre has been realised on the plot of the former Huize Transwijk. In the design the possibility of healthcare provision in the residences has been taken into account. The apartments have several home automation systems in order to be prepared for the future. 
The design has several special features like a continuing grass roof and a striking building/tower structure.

The project has a gross surface area of around 25.500 m2 and accommodates:

  • 36 spots nursing (psychogeriatric care)
  • 75 spots nursing
  • 50 spots healthcare infrastructure
  • 100 rental and owner-occupied residences
  • commercial spaces (e.g. for physiotherapist and hairdresser)
  • covered parking garage
The complex has been fitted with an ATES system; energy is stored far under ground. Warmth and cold are stored in a soil layer, and are used to warm or cool the residences. This technology saves up to 25% of energy and contributes to the reduction of CO2 emissions. (Up to 20%.) Because of the ATES system and the use of sustainable materials throughout the building, it is very eco-friendly.

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